Conversations with the land - As together we hold the tension.
Together today we explore the tension that we so often feel the need to avoid and how we can move it into your hearts.
As Lizzo would say 'It’s about damn time' that we started to talk about the basics.
We could create fancy courses and extravagant offerings BUT what would be the point if you don't have a solid foundation?
🐝 CALL TO ACTION: So today's call to Action: is to stand outside. Ask yourself how do you feel today? Explore that for as little or as long as you want to. If you can find even the smallest 'why' then that is awesome.
Then take a few deep breaths and ask how does the land feel today? What is the first thing that comes up? Is it a feeling? Is it a knowing deep in your stomach? Were you taken to a memory you have that is based on a very clear emotion? Today I did exactly as I always do and I took my journal outside. I got everything off my chest and out of my heart onto paper then I drank my rooibos, sat with my guides and ancestors awhile and finally I tuned into the land.
Here is what I felt.
Tension. Now this made me smile as myself and my dearest heart sister have been exploring this idea of 'holding the tension for a couple of weeks now. But I hadn't considered it with the land until this morning.
You see the weather is glorious here at the moment, ‘Run to the sun’ is this weekend and next week is half-term. This means the land will be buzzing with families and holidaymakers. So much joy for the land we love.. Yet the locals will be feeling frustrated, they'll not be able to buy their usual groceries or get across town without immense amounts of traffic. For a space that is so quiet in autumn and winter, it can make you feel a little dizzy and unseen at times.
So today the land here feels a pull of tension and anticipation for what is to come. (Nothing he can't handle I'm sure). But there you have it.
Step one is always to slow down..step two... listen.
Sitting with the land we explored what this tension feels like. I shared how I'm not keen on the feeling it leaves in the pit of my stomach, he shared that Kernow has held this tension for many years. I realised as I sat and truly felt into it that tension has an energetic elasticity that I could learn to love. It's through this tension that we can expand to our full potential. It’s almost as if tension widens our perspective and potential to see all sides of the thread.
I wonder how many of us avoid sitting in the tension. Maybe we push it down or push through. We keep busy with our endless to-do lists and never fully sit with the tension we feel. For me, tension is felt in my stomach, but I am slowly learning to move it closer to my heart.
Ever feel as if you are being pulled in three different directions? Or maybe you feel stretched between one world and another. I know that feels familiar to me. Well like the land maybe we need to sit there awhile. Maybe through holding that tension, we will see things more clearly and not through a sense of fear but through a sense of potential power.
Oceans of love Cx